3 Excellent Dentists in Lancaster, PA
The dentists of Lancaster, PA are some of the county's best-kept secrets.
You wouldn't expect Amish Country to be home to some of the most innovative and inviting dentists in the state, but there are dozens of outstanding dentists throughout the county that go the extra mile beyond checking teeth.
So why are we talking about them in September 2020?
At the time of publication, we Lancastrians are in the midst of a COVID spike in Lancaster County as schools are returning to session.
This problem is compounded by the fact that Lancaster County's school board members have the collective brain power of a small radish by, in some cases, deciding to embrace zero precautionary measures to protect students, teachers, and their families.
(But that's a blog post for another day.)
Because COVID is most known to transmit via bodily fluids, the mouth is the primary spot for someone with COVID to infect someone else, often unintentionally (or, in the case the people who make decisions about our children's futures, through sheer stupidity).
This is a huge safety hazard for dentists. But remaining closed for a prolonged period of time makes it impossible for them to keep up with bills, loan paybacks, etc.
That's why so many Lancaster dentists are introducing extreme precautionary measures to allow themselves to serve the public. On any normal day, these same dentists would be some of the best in the county anyway.
The fact that they're dedicated to their employees' and patients' safety makes them that much better!
With that said, here are our favorite dentists in Lancaster, PA.
#1. Dr. Sara Gotwalt

Address: 2320 Rothsville Rd #300 Lititz PA, 17543
Dr. Sara Gotwalt is a local family dentist who's a staple of the Lititz area.
Despite the fact that Dr. Gotwalt's address says Lititz, it's much closer to the junction of Brownstown and Akron, just off the intersection of Rothsville Road and Route 772.
Dr. Gotwalt and her team make our list because of how friendly, conscientious, and dedicated they are to the patient experience.
Their exam rooms overlook the Akron countryside, which is absolutely gorgeous at any time and during any season of the year.
Their team always greets you with a smile, they work exceptionally well with insurance companies, and they actually interview you when you first book an appointment with them.
Because they want to get to know you.
This is the heart and soul of what Dr. Gotwalt and her team do differently: They prioritize the relationship between the practice and the patient.
It does wonders for making you feel at ease, especially if you're someone who doesn't go to the dentist that often.
It's also shocking how good everyone's memory is at this practice. I (Chris) had the same hygienist two visits in a row — though six months apart — and she remembered that I had a baby on the way and asked how my wife was doing.
That's an insane memory. And if it's something that they read minutes before I walked through the door, it's insanely good note-taking.
Here's the bottom line: Dr. Gotwalt's practice feels like home from the moment you walk through the door. It's simply the best.
But Lancaster is a big place, and you may not be in the mood for a 45-minute drive to Rothsville so you can get your teeth checked.
If that's the case, we have a couple other standout dentists on our list.
#2. Hempfield Family Dental Center

Address: 845 Silver Spring Plaza Suite A Lancaster, PA 17601
Hempfield Family Dental Care is headed by Dr. Kolsun, who's a seasoned veteran of dentistry as a whole.
The main standout for Hempfield Family Dental Center is how much they embrace new technology and staying up-to-date with the latest in dentistry.
Dr. Kolsun is a member of the American Dental Association and works as a multi-talented dentist. He not only works on standard checkups, but also in aesthetic dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and more.
(They also give you $50 off your first visit, which is a bonus if you have high copays or no insurance at all.)
The only challenge with this practice is that they're closed Fridays, which may make it a challenge to get a checkup that fits in a standard work week.
Still, the welcoming family atmosphere of Hempfield Family Dental Center and Dr. Kolsun's expertise are more than enough to make up for that minor setback.
#3. Red Rose Family Dental

Address: 2091 Fruitville Pike Lancaster, PA 17601
Red Rose Family Dental has two licensed dentists working at it: Dr. Jill Eagles and Dr. Tedi Vatnika.
Red Rose Family Dental stands out initially for one big reason — it's one of the few dental practices in Lancaster to have appointment hours after the standard workday.
On Mondays and Tuesdays, they're open until 7:00 PM, which is a huge help to any working parent who needs to get their kid to the dentist, but can't take off work.
It also helps that they're fairly centrally located in Lancaster County as a whole, situated a bit north of Lancaster City.
There's also a nice convenience factor working for Red Rose Family Dental. If you're in need of orthodontia in addition to dentistry, they're only a few minutes from Long Orthodontics.
If you feel like making the drive, you could also make it pretty easily to Dr. Georgelis.
The big factor here is convenience. If you're busy — long hours, raising kids, that kind of thing — then Red Rose Family Dental is a good choice.
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